Savvy 11


Most mush their way through life. They talk much, but say little. They act much, but think little. They learn “kind of, sort of.” They float through life with no crystal clear vision of what they should do or exactly how they will get a “what” done.


It’s a world of meaningless chatter and irrelevant mind candy that eats up our time and destroys our ability to do big things in life. I consider the daily fight against incessant distraction to be a defining challenge of these times.

3. FEAR:

Illogical, no-downside fear may hold people back more than anything in life. Fear of rejection, embarrassment, discomfort and failure – stupid fears, where all you can lose is a mental bruise. These are dream killers in life.


I used to believe in having no more than three priorities at a time (other than family and friends). Now I’m convinced it should only be one. Devote every ounce of your energy to the one big thing that would most move your life. Don’t move on until that one is done.


Eat right, exercise and eliminate stress. The reasons are obvious. Do I need to say more?


It’s important to learn. It’s more important to learn what you need to get where you want to go. That is the difference between being broadly educated and meaningfully smart.

7. MMFI (Make Me Feel Important):

Those who don’t acknowledge the efforts and accomplishments of others are fools. Whatever you want, someone else has it. Personal gain aside, it’s a good thing to do and a right way to live.

8. GRIT:

Losers fail. Winners do too. The difference? Losers cast blame and then quit. Winners dig deep and bounce back. Grit is an unwavering belief in your mission. You do what it takes to make it come true. I’ve never known a winner without grit.


Good is never good enough. Remarkable defines your life. Doing everything better than best is your obsession; and that is OK. Many won’t understand your laser beam focus on doing things, little or big, perfect and right. Despite what others may say, you know that this is your way.


Most see what is as what it should be. Those with vision look at what is in light of what it could be. Vision is not the inherited gift of a fortunate few. It is a skill you can learn.


Do what you say. Speak the full truth. Never cheat. Be there for friends. Live a life of doing what’s right.

Your Comments

  1. Plynn Gutman

    Excellent points, Greg. And oh so true! I would like to link your site to my personal site and Your Liminal Space as a resource for inspiration and insight.

    1. Savvy Dad

      Thank you Plynn! We would be honored to have you include our site as a resource on your sites. Our stories about remarkable dads include amazing lessons for success in life.


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