“The only thing worse than being blind is having sight with no vision.”
—Helen Keller
Today’s story is contributed by Darin Kidd.
I was 25 years old. Bankrupt. Medicaid. Applying for food stamps. Car repossessed. My wife and I were at the lowest of low. Neither of us made it through college. Five kids. I felt like a total failure — as a husband, as a father, and as a provider.
Opportunities were scarce in our small Virginia town. I needed help. Guidance. Someone to show me the way.
My Dad? A faithful Christian. A family man. Growing up, he helped others in need, even when we were scraping to get by. He was a wonderful man, and I count myself very blessed. But it was clear I needed a different kind of help, from a different kind of mentor. Life smarts. Business savvy. Principles for success. I went on the hunt…
I found Jeff Olson. He wrote a book called The Slight Edge, among others. What I learned from him has defined my life.
Today, I share the three golden rules of my own personal success, with some help from the legendary Mr. Olson:
Rule #1: There are only two types of people in this world:
1. I’m glad I dids
2. I wish I hads
A simple distinction, with powerful implications. It’s about thinking in the future tense. When you look back in 5, 10, or 20 years, what will you say: “I’m glad I did” — or — “I wish I had”? My personal mantra — “I will do today what others won’t, to have tomorrow what others don’t!”
Rule #2: Faith in yourself.
Many people confuse having confidence with having faith. Confidence is believing you can do what any other man before you has done. Faith is believing you can do what no other man before you has done.
Rule #3: Learning a Living
We are either growing or declining. Maintaining is a myth. If you’re not learning every day, you’re on a path to failure. You just don’t know it yet. It’s the one thing that will set you apart from others over time. Most stop reading and growing after high school or college, when it ceases to be a requirement…A treacherous mistake.
Two ways I have Learned my Living:
Myself — I don’t make what I want…I make what I am. Making more is the result of becoming more as a person. Other people — Associations…they take us UP or DOWN. Ask yourself, what are my associations doing for me or to me?
Over the years, the compounded effect of these three rules has taken me from bankrupt to “booyah!” (And my sense of humor is still intact.)
Today, I am blessed to be a multi-million dollar producer with financial freedom and ample leisure time to spend with family. I even made the cover of Home Business Magazine last year and was featured in the April issue of Success From Home magazine as well! And as the Savvy Dad of five blessed kids, be assured I am passing down what I learned from Jeff Olson, my mentor-like dad.
Your Savvy Today?
#1: Be an “I’m glad I did” person.
#2: Distinguish between confidence and faith.
#3: Never stop learning, growing, and moving forward.

Darin Kidd and family
Good Morning Darin. Thank You for “Paying it Forward”…You’re A True Brother in Christ. I have learned more about Life in the past 180 Days from People like You & Jeff Olson, than I Had in 49 1/2 years. I am Grateful Today for Real, Authentic, Humble Men like You. Peace be with You Today.
I had the pleasure to meet Darin in person and hear his personal story! And also to have the Brand Partner training! I’ve learned so much from him! I also finally read the book The Slight Edge! Totally transformed my thinking! Thank you Darin! And a big thanks to Jeff Olsen for the inspiring book!
On the cover that your featured on, it says “find out who the MLM of the month is”. Who was it??
Hi Darin, I’m just staring my Nerium business. Possible I’m that staring position you were by then. Broke, divorcing, selling my house, no money, but my faith and confidence are great inside of me!!! Always tell to my mind there most be something for you ” first God this is what was save for me, and with Nerium help other people in my situation. I did go to the convention, love real stories, and the way lives can be change for better. I love the quote Giving hope to the hopeless, because I’m one of them!!!! God bless you and your family, ivonne
Thank you for sharing Mr. Kidd’s story. He was the first speaker I went to hear after starting my NeriumAD business. He gave me enough information in that brief meeting to start dreaming again. The best part is giving that to others…I love being able to give hope and help others reach far beyond anything they have ever done before… You have touch lives you will only know about when we are all seated at the banquet table set for his bride.
Darin, you are truly an inspiration to so many. you enthusiastic presentation are always absolutely what we all need. Love your daily quotes, you are the GREATEST!
These two statements hit your message out of the park for me: “I don’t make what I want…I make what I am. ” and Rule #1: There are only two types of people in this world:
1. I’m glad I dids
2. I wish I hads
There is a third group, those who wish they had not done it.